i can't state anything less than drooling!
its seafoods are packaged directly from Makassar and other parts of Indonesia that still provide clean environment. during ramadhan you should try to order both place and food prior your arrival to anticipate crowd and long preparation for the food especially ikan bakar (around 45 minutes).

and note that they sell it in ounce.
so when we arrive, we have:
# 5 ons ikan kueh (too bad the kakatua fish is not available that day, it's the most fave)
# 3 ons udang saus singapore
# 5 ons kepiting makassar lada hitam
[menunya dikombinasiin sendiri berdasarkan info seafood ama saus yg dia punya, soalnya mesen dari telpon. beratnya juga ditebak2 hehehe]
with a complimentary of one jug of brown tea and some appetizers.
also three varieties of sambal, sambal tomat, mentah, and mangga, which dia likes.
We were confused at the beginning because they don't provide any plates, but then (silly us!) we realized that the banana leaves placed in front of us are suppose to be the plate :-)
believe me, in the end we were so full we can't even manage to sit straight after finishing all the food. so we surrender leaving two legs of crabs behind (hiks...) ;-)
we didn't have any camera, so i cited some of the pictures from here and here..