what i've done yesterday
minggu ke-6 kehamilan.
saya masih mengalami mual-mual walau tidak sampai harus dikeluarkan.
mual-mual saya melebihi semangat saya untuk ke kantor (hehehe)... sehingga saya memutuskan untuk istirahat di rumah, as advised also by my husband. no computer, no internet, no blogging, no plurking, no handphone. eyes wide shut.
and it feels... nice.
i know this should be a daily routine. but since i get pregnant, i was so "mual" i hardly do anything for him :(
he was the one who washed, clean the house, bought food, massage me and everything. yesterday, he bought me my favourite pizza hut and we ate it while watching Fitri Tropica.
thank u hubby, you're a superman.
n keep on doing the good work bul ;-)