Agus and Yuan's wedding

Have I told you before that I have a group of friends when I was in college called "Nonggeng"?
There are 8 of us and yesterday Yuan is the last member who gets married, yay! I am so happy for her. Yuan is one of the closest friend in the group. I used to stay over in her kost-kostan, share my stories about boyfriends (haha!) and copying her homework :P
and now she is married. My feeling mixed everytime I see my friend going down the aisle, look stunning with her wedding dress and show her best smile. :)
Oh and the best part is she held her wedding the same date with her birthday. How smart!
Happy blessful wedding, de.
Semoga tambah banyak rejeki, tambah banyak kebahagiaan buat ade.
Hugs and kisses!