The Wedding Girl

I was told by my friend, Oe, that Sophie Kinsella is not her real name. Her name is actually Madeleine Wickham! :)
I always love romantika di amor kind of book. Like this one hehehe.
It stories about a girl named Milly Havill who is going to get married with her boyfriend Simon Pinnacle. Nothing too be worried except that Milly has not yet told Simon that she was married before... with a gay! :D And from there other issues arise... not only from Milly but from other members of her family.
Sophie Kinsella is always able to raise unxpected love problems from many angles. From the view of a long time married couple, from a widow, from a homosexual, and successfully harmonize it all into a happy but unexpected ending :)
One of my favourite line in this novel:
" When you get married, don't feel like you have to change. Don't change anything, just be the way you are"
" Love is not about facts. It is not about you like to read newspaper or else. Love is about feeling. I can feel it if you are going to smile or if you are going to cry."