My wish list

Royalty-free Vector Art: Making a List
As half Sagittarian-and half Capricorn (although I tend to call myself as Sagittarian! :)) there are a few situations where I feel I am in between. Just like the decision to choose career path. It was so hard to finally decide which one I will take as both career options are interesting for me. And now just like this post title said, "My wish list". Having a wish list or people that like to list their wishes give the impression that they are likely to be a well-organized and well-planned type of person. I am nothing near that. I can be full with target at one day but then absolutely lazy and just want to do something spontaneous the next day. I have a wish list though, but these are definitely not time bound. I just thought that by listing them, you will not forget what you want to do/achieve/have someday.. I think I mentioned before that I do not share my wish list to people but now I guess it doesn't harm to open it up a bit, just for fun :)


 A family trip to Japan! :)
 Second honeymoon with @omjambul
 Short trip to Bandung with family
 Read more books. I am having a severe laziness in reading
 Write more. Anything. Again I feel so lazy when it comes to write.
 Watch more DVDs. I almost never watch TV anymore let alone DVDs. My best friend now is my "note" and "pad".
 Trigger my creativity. I actually have some ideas in mind to design and create something cute such as hampers, design a room, etc. I just feel I don't have much time to allow the right side of my brain to "play" a more significant role in my life. Not now. My left brain still dominates my daily activities.
 Write a story for children. I don't know when but I want to do it at least once.
 Run a small business. This can connect to my wish to be more creative or perhaps several other things but basically doing something fun that I like. Perhaps next year? ;)
 Take a foreign language class. The first one that I really want is Spanish, following with German and Japanese.

As usual, I forgot what else I should have written here. Too sleepy. Good night everybody!

Picture: Getty Images


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