
"Saya senang mengamati, saya senang observasi. Kalau kita tidak mempunyai dasar, kita akan observasi seperti bola liar saja, tidak tahu apa yang diamati"
noriyu alias nova riyanti yusuf. read (kompas) and watch (metro tv) her profile twice and still amaze with her life path. I guess women are really gifted with the ability to do multi things in one time, just like nova. I wonder if it happens to me too ;-)
a doctor, post graduate student, author, and presenter is her daily menu. In my perspective, she already gain success in her young age (before reach half decade!) even she thoughts it's too early for that. I remembered her saying that she is still searching the best thing for her by doing everything she likes, but for now she just let everything flow just the way they are.
one of the inspiring women of this millennium for me...
Susah banget cari profilnya wanita yang satu ini, akhirnya dapar artikelnya di sini sekalian sama gambarnya. anybody who knows her blog, please let me know yah.


cyn said…
pernah nonton interviewnya di O-channel..
n she's very bussy indeed ;-)

watt an energy..
helaan nafas said…
wah...asik juga yah jadi cowo nya noriyu...pasti nyah doi berwawasan luasssss...

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