buka puasa

Our first fasting break together this month.


  1. Soto Kudus
  2. Hoka Hemat 4
  3. Sushi Moriawase
  4. Teh Botol
  5. Puding Coklat
  6. Teh Jepang
  7. Es Cingcau
  8. Plus a couple beside us who stared us back and forth from our food to our hungry face to our skinny body

They only drink juice for fasting break.

**mana kenyaaaanggg**

I remembered last year when we ate at Bonex Seafood, we ordered kerang rebus, nasi uduk, cumi saus mentega, ikan bakar, kepiting saus tiram, cah kangkung and udang. dont u love food so much?? :-)

Life is sooo good.

for foodlovers please visit here and here


Anonymous said…
dkamanain tuh makanan nya ...ck.ck.ck.ck kami ini yah...
cyn said…
huuuuuuuuuuuu makan-makan..

eh kami...
ajak-ajak dongs..
ya kam ya ;-)

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