cyber slacking
just read Jakarta Post and found an interesting article. 
Ta' kutip sedikit:
"Walk into any large office,and u will most likely hear the telltale computer bleeps of chat programs by furious mouse clicking. Employees may seem busy but many are wasting time on the internet or cyber slacking"
"Almost a third of their emails were not related to work"
Hehehe,,,, Well, true. Example, me, right now, at the time being.
"It is genuinely irresistible because it's such a gateway to the whole planet that's right there on your desk and easily concealed to people passing by"
Tapi tenang sodara2 dan handai taulan, karena para expert justru menyarankan untuk menggunakan paling engga 1/5 dari waktu kerja untuk personal activities, please just find a way for not working too hard **setujuuuuu**
found funny sites too: here (for funny comments) and here (for annoying comments) around the office.
Happy working guys!

Ta' kutip sedikit:
"Walk into any large office,and u will most likely hear the telltale computer bleeps of chat programs by furious mouse clicking. Employees may seem busy but many are wasting time on the internet or cyber slacking"
"Almost a third of their emails were not related to work"
Hehehe,,,, Well, true. Example, me, right now, at the time being.

"It is genuinely irresistible because it's such a gateway to the whole planet that's right there on your desk and easily concealed to people passing by"
Tapi tenang sodara2 dan handai taulan, karena para expert justru menyarankan untuk menggunakan paling engga 1/5 dari waktu kerja untuk personal activities, please just find a way for not working too hard **setujuuuuu**

found funny sites too: here (for funny comments) and here (for annoying comments) around the office.
Happy working guys!

tapi ga ada kan orang yg ketawa2 ngliatin file2 excel n official e-mail?
gw tu.. gw hihihihihihi