Oenpao - Asian Food
our next breaking fast is in Oenpao. made by accident.
we didn't plan to go here. it's just the nearest restaurant we can found and still open (the signboard said it's open up to 22.00). **yg lain udah pada mudik kali yah**
it's not quite a restaurant-looked. probably more like a sushi bar with high heel chairs and long tables. it has an open area too **no windows no door** so i guess it can be quite noisy during daylight.
but we were eating around 9 PM and the street was already quite. we sat towards it and can see the night as a full background.
actually we had break earlier with sate padang (dia) and indomie rebus telor (me + a bit help of dia). so we didn't order too many.
our reservations:
1. sandwich chicken + mayonnaise
2. sandwich smoked beef + cheese
3. charusi dimsum (dimsum stuffed with chicken and shrimp)
4. swekiaw (another dimsum)
5. chinese tea
6. coke
they have other asian menu like bubur ayam, nasi hainan bebek panggang, mie ayam pangsit etc.
the taste was good. too bad the crab dumpling and hakau (recommended menu) were out of stock. it didn't make us too full though, but the price matches well (for a dimsum) with the taste and quantity, so it's worthed :-)
place: across RSPP (Rumah Sakit Pertamina)
*ga jadi aja ya bubar nya*