
yesterday, i joined yoga again after a short pause. the session started on 8 AM (whooaaamm) in my friend's house not far away from mine.
it was nice to meet her family again especially her cute daughter.
the yoga session took around 2 hours. we requested our guru not to have too many difficult moves for at the first time since our body needs to adjust again (halah...alesan :-)) she said yes. but when we came to the middle of the session, she gave us some moves that made us need to stand up and down for several times (get the picture?)
anyway, it is verrrry nice to yoga again, it really refreshed me.

and now, i have a "pegel-pegel" around my arm and leg.. hehehe...

nb: makasih bubur menadonya enaaak banget :-)


cyn said…
wuih... miss traveling *sirik*
sita said…
iya cyn... traveling jakarta bogor hihihi...

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