kena batunya

i've arrived in Indonesia safe and sound, alhamdulillah.

melihat kembali posting terakhir saya ttg how lazy i was to go to Singapore, well... i probably should deserve a slap in my face :-)

the Singapore trip, instead of extremely lazy, was extremely great!
despite that i was placed in a luxurious hotel (alhamdulillah ya Allah) which is a very rare opportunity when u go to Spore (indeed, Spore equals to expensive), i had join a very useful workshop and met incredible people.

my presentation also went well, thank God. although at the beginning, i was so lack of confidence because i'm the youngest and just realized that the other invitees were expert on their work. i mean, a REAL scientific expert.

but thanks to my colleague, i just spoke and explain about our work the way it is. (and dont forget to pray). in the end, out of my expectation, we received a lot of good inputs and appreciations. yet the best thing, we had an offer from an organization to have a project together. yay! *cross fingers*

ps: now i know how much i love scientific world :-P (ada yg huek2 ga baca ini? hehehe)

happy weekend!!

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