when your dream comes true
what's the definition of success for you?
for me, is when your dream comes true, even the tiniest one, and feel blessed with it.
2009 has been amazing for me.
got married in February, pronounced pregnant in March, delivered a healthy baby boy in December (the same month with me and my husband bday!).
not to mention a good job back in Bogor and able to have our own car (but yes, we're still paying for the loan).
it's a bless. alhamdulillah.
and another greatest gift I received in early 2010 is my Master Degree.
it's a long road to achieve it. i had a 6 months-pause-time before able to start with my thesis again due to my pregnancy and my previous work in Jakarta which needs me to commute everyday.
i never thought i could done it during my maternity leave, but there it is. i finally can say...
and you know what.. it feels sooooo... good!
don't get me wrong, not because i'm proud but because i finally can get rid all those heavy books, yay!! *ogel-ogel pantat* hehehe...
special thanks for my advisor who always and ALWAYS encourage and assure me that I can finish it on time. off course to my dear Razki, sister,mom, dad, and especially for my husband, suami jambul, yang semakin hari semakin banyak bawaan di tangannya hehehe.. love u oom.. lets dream again for this year, shall we? :)
*semoga kita termasuk golongan orang-orang yang bersyukur*

Note: suami jambul during my graduation day.. kamera, toga, buku alumni..siap dibawa, cape deeeh hehehe...
for me, is when your dream comes true, even the tiniest one, and feel blessed with it.
2009 has been amazing for me.
got married in February, pronounced pregnant in March, delivered a healthy baby boy in December (the same month with me and my husband bday!).
not to mention a good job back in Bogor and able to have our own car (but yes, we're still paying for the loan).
it's a bless. alhamdulillah.
and another greatest gift I received in early 2010 is my Master Degree.
it's a long road to achieve it. i had a 6 months-pause-time before able to start with my thesis again due to my pregnancy and my previous work in Jakarta which needs me to commute everyday.
i never thought i could done it during my maternity leave, but there it is. i finally can say...
don't get me wrong, not because i'm proud but because i finally can get rid all those heavy books, yay!! *ogel-ogel pantat* hehehe...
special thanks for my advisor who always and ALWAYS encourage and assure me that I can finish it on time. off course to my dear Razki, sister,mom, dad, and especially for my husband, suami jambul, yang semakin hari semakin banyak bawaan di tangannya hehehe.. love u oom.. lets dream again for this year, shall we? :)
*semoga kita termasuk golongan orang-orang yang bersyukur*
Note: suami jambul during my graduation day.. kamera, toga, buku alumni..siap dibawa, cape deeeh hehehe...
Selamat ya Ta,
Semoga terwujudnya mimpi ini
bisa menuntun langkahmu
ke mimpi-mimpi besar berikutnya,
semoga selalu sukses & diridhoi Allah SWT, amin.
Congrats ya Taaa ^^
PS: sorry telat banget, udah lama nggak nge-plurk dan nggak blogging, hihihi. miss you :*