i am totally blind..

on what i call bank world. all about it. blunt.
I can't even explain the difference of finance, monetary, and banking. hahaha, and yet i have a husband who works in this kind of world. yes you can laugh loud at me :)

anyway, another worse example of how blind i am is i don't understand how the bank works. to be more specific i am curious on how they able to gain profit, how they "play" with their client and nasabah (what do you say nasabah in English?)'s money. can somebody tell me where i can get this information? it tickles me a lot to know further and not look too stupid in front of my dear banker friends (this goes to you, icha and puput) :)

i raised this because this morning i went to the bank. a short story about my visit to the bank. i finally can spare some of our income (hubby & me) to be deposited in the bank. and i finally managed to open an account special for my son's education. i think it was called tabungan or asuransi pendidikan? so from now on, on a certain time of the month, my bank account will be automatically debited for a certain amount and transferred to the education account. this personally for me is such a relieve, knowing that we had not prepare anything for our son's education until today. phew (seka keringat). my husband did the same thing in his own bank (yes, unfortunately we are not under the same bank company) so we have two accounts. alhamdulillah. and bismillah, hopefully it will go smooth. oya one more thing, i am glad that i can change my account into syariah. i don't have to worry about administration fees, etc.

back to my blindness in banking. after the visit, i realized how shallow my knowledge is about bank. i really want to learn more so i can be more smart in managing my money. after i know how the bank works (hehe), i want to know about credit cards. what are the do's and don't's. which credit card offers better benefits, etc. and then i would like to learn about reksadana. is it beneficial for us who are not an investment expert. is it more preferable and/or less risky than other type of investment. what are the other type of investments?? :)

let's see how far i can learn about this. and the utmost question is: when i will start to learn this hehehe...


photo by Jeanene Scott from Getty Images


icha tapjani said…
Nasabah + customer..
Hayu atuh neng, apa yang mau ditanyain?
Tar ya gw posting dikit2 about banking..
sita said…
Banyak Cha.. i wish i have a special financial teacher hehehe..
alaya said…
setau gue tabungan/asuransi pendidikan itu bunganya ga cukup untuk melawan inflasi kenaikan biaya pendidikan. coba cek dulu deh soalnya asumsi inflasi biaya pendidikan itu sekitar 20% per tahun, karena itu banyak yang menyarankan untuk biaya pendidikan sebaiknya disimpan dalam bentuk reksadana/logam mulia.

selain itu tabungan/asuransi pendidikan ada jangka waktu tertentu sebelum hasilnya bisa diambil jadi ga fleksible dibandingkan dengan reksadana/emas.

gue juga masih belajar ya. cmiiw :)
alaya said…
coba baca2 disini deh :)

sita said…
Hi Al, thanks a lot for the link. very useful.

iya, i am aware kalo sekedar tabungan pendidikan aja kayanya ga cukup. that's why i was so 'gelisah' sebelum punya tabungan pendidikan. u can imagine, gimana mau investasi, tabungan aja belum punya! :)

sedang berpikir reksadana tapi belum mantap. investasi di reksadana harus dengan uang nganggur. kata saudara gw yg jadi treasurer BI, lebih baik ORI.

keep sharing ya Al :)
alaya said…
ORI yg dulu2 emang lumayan tapi yang terakhir keluar itu bunganya kecil, ga jauh beda sama deposito.

coba baca2 disini deh http://femaledaily.com/showthread.php?t=3806
omjambul you know said…
jeng sita:coba ya jeng pake bahasanya yg betul, jgn campur 2 inggris ma bahasa gituh, it make me confius you know..jadi rieut..:p

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