Dilema rotan kayu

apologies for this unnecessary post (apologies melulu). :)
post ini ingin menceritakan betapa dilemanya saya dalam memilih meja makan.

suara hati iseng: tuh kan ga penting!
suara hati serius: penting itu penting!

as you guys might have known, my husband and I are in the middle of filling in our house. due to many reasons we can't move in the near term so we determine to do at least something to the house. for now, we want to make the house not too empty. we now have our own sofa, TV table, coffee table and console table. now I want dining table. at first I want it to be jati. tapi oh tapi, yesterday we passed by a store which sells furniture out of rattan. yes, rotan. hela hela rotane.

sudah sering lewat toko itu sebenarnya and it already tickles my curiosity.but only until yesterday that I asked my husband to pull off the car and visited the store.
the store turned out to be very beautiful. it shows various type of furniture of rattan and beautifully designed. it instantly made my mind thought of many plans to use rattan to furnish the house.

and at one moment, my eyes caught a sight of a cute dining table. it uses synthetic rattan and has dark color. i like it a lot. more than that, we were surprised by the affordable price. seriously. we are not high end people at all so when we say cheap it means cheap, without quote mark. :)

to make it even more drooling, they have various color for the "jok kursi". oooohhhh...

so now I am so dillematic.
which one should I choose?
dining table from rattan or from jati?
if i choose rattan will its durability stay similar like jati?
is it okay if i choose the synthetic one and not the original rattan?

help! somebody!
*lebay mode on*

- to be continued -


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