Ramadhan - the essence of life
I feel blessed to be a Moslem.
One of the reasons is because we always have a special month every year called Ramadhan.
The 30 days of fasting.. from hunger, from thirst, from anger, from all forms of negative emotions. Despite of the challenge in fasting, I found Ramadhan as a very peaceful month.
For 11 months our body, mind and soul are surrounded and filled with so many "duniawi" matters: work, money, investment, saving, holiday, school, grades, targets, etc.. Ramadhan gives us space to breath. To look around and to look deep inside ourselves and contemplate the essence of life.
It feels like Allah gives us an opportunity to take a break, evaluate ourselves and improve our belief in Islam. In believing Allah. That there is no power greater than Allah and realize how small we are. Like one proverb said, humans are like sands in the desert. We are nothing without Him.
Ya Allah betapa saya rindu Ramadhan.
Betapa jauhnya saya tenggelam dalam duniawi.
Betapa jauhnya saya tenggelam dalam duniawi.
Semoga Engkau memberi kami semua kesempatan untuk menikmati Ramadhan kembali tahun ini..
Mensucikan diri, pandangan, dan hati..
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