
biasanya di awal sebelum saya blogging, saya suka terpikir gambar atau foto apa yang bisa saya pampang di sini supaya yang baca tidak bosan (geer, kaya ada yang bakal baca aja) :D
tapi lama-lama setelah dipikir, ini salah satu alasan saya jadi batal blogging. Kesibukan mikirin foto, ide menulisnya keburu hilang.

so now I'll start to write whatever I want to write without thinking too much. (iya nih, saya pemikir berat :-P)

it's about motherhood.
di umur-umur saya yang sekarang ini adalah masa-masanya menjadi mahmud alias mamah muda. Muda karena, tanpa bermaksud sombong, we already have a child or even children (like me!) when our age is still below 30 :)  
if you look at my timeline in Twitter you can see there are so many motherhood stuff. Most of my friends tweeted about their children and sometimes even twit pic them..  including me! :D
Mulai dari baru lahir, masa-masa menyusui, masa-masa galau harus balik kerja, pertama kali vaksin, pertama kali kena pilek, semuaaa dibahas tuntas!
Memang, we can't help it. It's just natural. We share what we mostly think and interested about.

Tapi at one point I realize... saya "muak" dengan motherhood. Not in a bad way, mind you.
Saya baru tersadar we share so many things about our children tanpa memikirkan somebody else who don't have one (yet). Iya, we talk about ourselves, our life too much without thinking of somebody else's feeling. I'm not saying that we should not share what we feel happy about but perhaps we can chip between our timelines (and not only in Twitter) something else apart of this so called mother and children stuff. Sometimes I feel it is just over exploited. Capek.

In the end, who cares? Who cares if you breastfeed your child, serving homemade food everyday, and be proud that you don't deliver your children by C-Sec? Again, I'm not saying that you may not share this tapi menceritakan itu berulang-ulang rasanya bikin "muak". :D
Some of you you may not understand what I'm talking about as I'm also a mother of two. I delivered both my sons normally not even without induction (induksi. bener ga tuh Inggrisnya hehe), spontanenous delivery istilah kerennya. I breastfeed them both, Bagas exclusively and Razki up to 9 months. But then again, who cares?? :D

What I'm trying to say here is just be biasa-biasa saja. Share your happiness but also be sensitive. I myself is among those yang masih suka cerita tentang anaaak mulu. Now when I looked through my blog. Boring. Hehehe. I should've shared something else. Misalnya... my plan to do yoga again, sport, my plan to do my own business, my plan for the next holiday etc etc.

Lets see if I can do that.
Satu motto yang selalu saya ingat, hidup ini memang kejam, tapi motherhood lebih kejam lagi, wekekekek.



-Ow- said…
uh..oh..ini terinspirasi dari gw pasti. hihihi.. *elap kacamata*

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