es campur

Pernah mencoba es campur?

Tampilan es campur memang bisa menerbitkan air liur. Walau dari tampilannya terlihat acak-acakan (karena banyak bahan dicampur jadi satu) tapi di akhir rasanya menyegarkan.
Maybe that is how my feeling has been going on these past few weeks.
Seperti es campur, so many things mixed up my feeling at the same time, one ingredient that has the biggest role is the "es", not "es campur" but "es tiga" alias PhD study.

If you remembered, last year I wrote that one of my dream would be to continue my study for PhD, not this year, but I keep it as my wish list. But somehow this dream gave me a bit of a jolt. There is a possibility that I might be able to do a PhD although it is far from final. But the idea came so soon and unexpected, I had to admit I was a bit terrified. I was terrified and doubt myself at the same time although at first I was so confident and eager to continue my study. I thought, if something comes all good, too good even, then it is too good to be true.

But again, wallahualam. Kalau memang sudah saatnya, sudah rejekinya, then I believe the doors will be opened smoothly. If I fail then there will be many other doors awaited to be opened. But I do hope just like the philosophy of "es campur", tujuan akhirnya menyegarkan, menyenangkan :)


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Cyn said…
Yaolo Ta... AMIN! Semoga ya... all the best!
Selain soal pintu juga usaha ya *lirik diri sendiri* *nunduk dalam-dalam*...

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