Mere Matkadevi

Tentang “Mere Matkadevi”
Merupakan karakter terakhir yang saya tulis khusus untuk buku ini, sekaligus cerita yang paling saya suka di buku ini.
Arti nama Mere Matkadevi adalah “Ibu dari dewi para ibu”.
Kenapa ibu? Karena saya sayang ibu. Sesimpel itu.

Just finished reading this book written by Tulus who happened to be one of my sister's close friends.
Mere Matkadevi is a compilation of short stories that Tulus wrote in his blog. I adore his ability to rhyme words and his strong sense of using modest yet deep words. The stories written are mostly about the reality of life: birth and death, the feeling of lost, being faraway from your loved ones, and a lot about mothers :) I can see how Tulus implicitly reflect his feeling to his mother, his respect to women. Perhaps that is why a woman is showed in the book cover. Overall, it was a refreshing reading for me. Tulus successfully shows his signature and originality as a newcomer. Looking forward to read more Tulus! :)


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