vis-à-vis ˌvēz ə ˈvē/
preposition: vis-à-vis
  1. 1.
    in relation to; with regard to.
    "many agencies now have a unit to deal with women's needs vis-à-vis employment"
    synonyms:regarding, concerning, apropos to, toward, relating to, compared with, with respect to; More
    "we need to discuss our test results vis-à-vis the national standards"
    • as compared with; as opposed to.
      "the advantage for U.S. exports is the value of the dollar vis-à-vis other currencies"
      synonyms:regarding, concerning, apropos to, toward, relating to, compared with, with respect to; More
      "we need to discuss our test results vis-à-vis the national standards"
adverb: vis-à-vis
  1. 1.
    in a position facing a specified or implied subject.
    "he was there vis-à-vis with Miss Arundel"
noun: vis-à-vis; plural noun: vis-à-vis
  1. 1.
    a person or group occupying a corresponding position to that of another person or group in a different area or domain; a counterpart.
    "his admiration for the US armed services extends to their vis-à-vis, the Russian military"
  2. 2.
    a face-to-face meeting.
    "the dreaded vis-à-vis with his boss"


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