
Hi blog,

I remember promising to myself to keep writing in my blog regularly or as often as I could. I somehow do not obey it not because I am lazy but I feel hesitant to write about myself. I already restrict a lot of my personal life in social media especially stories about my children, but when I learned that everything that is digitized, no matter how small the amount is, will be recorded in the world of web AND anybody can access it, I become even more hesitant to write ANYTHING. I am registering myself into Path and Facebook (previously Twitter) not because I want to be followed by my friends. I actually DONT WANT to be followed by anybody.  I am using the medias only for my own record, my own joy of posting something and somehow later track back what has happened in my life for example, over the last one year. That's all. And that's why I don't feel really enthusiastic to accept request from my (real) friends to be my friends in the social media too. I don't like to be stalked. I am saying this because that is the fact. People add me because they want to know my life. I hate it sometimes. But what can I do? anyway, back to the risk of social media. Now that I understand the risk better, I would perhaps try to post something more general (hahaha). Not only in my blog but also elsewhere, so people will still have that level of curiosity about me. Hahahaha.... :)


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