
dont wanna whine, but facing the same things everyday and dont know when it will end can cause headache too (and more when u know it will never end). pengennya selalu semangat, tapi just feel so easily low resource this past few days (gims ntar kuliah ya bo? kudu berguru ama Opik nih). everything and everybody that related with R**ES seems to be more sensitive,hihihi (including me, sorry guys).
SIKLUS HIDUPKU: bangun-hot milk-nonton sambil nyetrika sambil nunggu giliran mandi-mandi-dandan--panasin mobil-sarapan bersama --no, wait...thats before the workshop exists.
SIKLUS HIDUPKU MENJELANG WORKSHOP: bangun - kerja - pulang - tidur - kerja - kerja - kerja with makan in between **ga napsu, oh**

SO... having a short walk together even only from the building to the parking lot can make a difference for me

AKU: "wah..bintangnya jelas banget hari ini" (stop walking and looking up to the sky)
DIA: "yup.." (looking up to the sky too)
AKU: "hayoo..bisa liat rasi bintang ga? aku bisa"
DIA: "bisa dong,,sering liat. rasi goreng, rasi putih..."
AKU: (smiling) "nah itu rasi kalajengking, sebelahnya layang2"
DIA: (sebenernya ga ngerti dan ga peduli, but keep looking to the sky) "iya ya"
AKU: "eh liat deh, ada bintang jalannya cepet banget" (pointing with her finger sambil terpesona)
DIA: "mana?"
AKU: "itu..itu.."
DIA: "itu pesawat sayang"
AKU: "bukan...itu bintang, liat deh sama kan bentuknya ama yang lain, kelap kelip"
DIA: " yang kelap kelip itu lampunya, ga mungkin bintang bisa secepet itu. Itu pesawat.."
AKU: ...
AKU: "itu bintang.."
DIA: ......

DIA: (smile) "iya, itu bintang"
AKU: (smile too)
DIA: "pulang?"
AKU: "iya, pulang"

battery: FULL
thank you


cyn said…
ah DIA so swit ya hihihihi *lirak-lirik*
Unknown said…
manis sekali si DIA ituu..
kenalin dooongs

lagi kasmaran ya 'Ta? hehehe
miss u girl!
Anonymous said…
is because the flower trust the sun that it light won't harmed, it growt and bloom...and so are u

halah...bener ngga seh he he he :-)

ati2 dul..namanya ajah cowoq hobby nyah melakukan tipu dayah ...

mau duoong jadi si Dia
Anonymous said…
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