
i know, i'm so bad at writing these days.
kemarin-kemarin udah sempet kepikiran mau posting ultah ibu with a poem presented for her.. tapi tinggal niat.. because now i don't have time (really! seriously!) to even check my FB during office hours. berarti dulu-dulu sempet curi-curi? sering, hehehehe...
well, i sacrifice it now..

anyway, now every day i arrive at home i instantly feel exhausted and all i want to do is to make coffee (not pure black coffee off course), turn on the TV and lay down. waiting for husband to come and massage my feet :)

i am aware also that in the next few weeks, i will have more things to be sacrificed, especially my own time. the soon-to-be-baby is getting bigger, healthier and more active. it's 2.8 kg and i can't wait!

now my husband is still outside, finding a goat to be sacrificed for tomorrow's Idul Adha. it's glad to know it's not only me who experience sacfrification hehehe... *maaf kambing, aku bercanda. semoga kamu tidak merasakan sakit apa-apa ya*

HAPPY IDUL ADHA EVERYBODY!!a snap of my husband's new hairlook -- sake booo... :)


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