happy birthday husband

i was supposed to post this on 3rd December 2009 when my husband turned 32. but at that time i didn't have any good idea (or time?) to write about. and again, we are not used to celebrate birthdays.

this afternoon, he is in his parent's home and razki is sleeping beside me. i am alone and suddenly i remember him. these last three weeks, we experience our days as new parent. sleepless nights, enormous amount of cloth diapers, and razki's crying, screaming, and laughing are a few things we never faced before until now. it's not easy i must say, but it's not difficult - because of him.

my husband is my number one supporter.
he cleans razki's poops, washes razki's clothes, diapers, and bottles, and helps me breastfeed Razki by giving calming words.
when i'm too tired, he tried to change razki's diaper by himself (walau salah-salah), he sings for Razki, cradle Razki in his hands all around the room just to make him sleep.
and he never needs me to say thank you.

dear husband,
it's almost a year for me to have you as a husband.
we never wear our wedding rings - we never like to wear rings anyway, so sagitarian :)
but that doesn't matter, because what ties us should not be a ring, but a heart.

if some people ask me who is the lucky guy?
i will say - it's not him who is lucky,
it's me.

i love u husband.
happy birthday.


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