
so this is how it feels when you are going to live by your own.
deg-degan. karena besok ,setelah sekian lama,insya Allah kami akan mengadakan pengajian di rumah kami. yes, our own house. our own home :)

the preparation are done by only me and my husband. yay! the pengajian (what is pengajian in english guys? hehehe) is simple. we decided to only invite our parents, siblings, builderman (baca: tukang bangunan hehe) and yard man (tukang kebun, sorry for the poor translation, i am too lazy to think). oya, and some of Deni's closest friends. when he asked me, at first i was hesitant but then i thought why not. looking back at my husband's life in the past, where he really started everything (work, education, etc) from zero, this house is one of his pride and bless, and i am sure his friends will not take it up as a form of show off. so i said yes.

so lets see.
nasi kotak - check - thanks mamah (my mother in law)
ta'jil - check - thanks ibu
carpet - check
yasin book - not yet - we are going to buy some tomorrow, right husband? *setengah maksa* :P

i guess that's it.
wiiiiii.... i hope everything will be running smooth. bismillah..

and you too guys! hope all of you are blessed with a very lively weekend.



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