Financial crisis!

View image detailWell, not really that bad. But 2013 starts with (from my perspective) bad financial management in my little family. Di penghujung minggu sebelum gajian ini dompet udah mulai bernapas pendek-pendek alias sesek, hehehe. Why? I feel like I don't manage my family cash flow really well this month because there have been various expenses and some of them are in a good amount of number (without being too specific). We are not in an emergency situation though (thank God), our savings are safe but more like a status of Mount Merapi at the time it gave a sign of activation: STATUS SIAGA, belum AWAS, alias tabungan kas yang mulai menipis.

But I always believe things happen for a good reason :)
From here I learned to list down types of savings that I have so far and marked them with my financial objective, just to make sure that the saving is really worthed.

More or less, I break down my financial plan into these following points:

1) Education for my children. Ini gw bagi berdasarkan tingkatan sekolah, dari mulai TK sampai universitas. Yang jangka panjang pakai reksadana, yang jangka pendek pakai tabungan pendidikan aja (kalau sudah kurang dari 3 tahun lagi).

2) Haji. Baru mulai!

3) Routine expenses: belanja bulanan, PLN, telkom dkk

4) Incidental expenses (dana darurat): bisa dalam wujud deposito atau LM, pokoknya harus diversifikasi

5) Pensiun : ini yang belum kepikiran mau dalam bentuk apa, maybe RD

6) Keluarga: ini maksudnya di luar dari keluarga saya sendiri, I feel that I have to regularly allocate some savings in case of emergency

7) Liburan. Ini juga belum tahu dalam wujud apa, hahaha.

So, that's all. Not perfect but I thought this would be a good start. Make a list so we can keep track of our investment progress, etc. All the above plans must be allocated in different accounts and different type of investments because each of them have different time period. It doesn't matter how much you save, as long as you do some saving and when you already made your financial plan, you don't have to be deg-degan like me due to a bad financial management, because you have allocated them all :)

Saling mendoakan, semoga segala rencana kita dimudahkan oleh Allah SWT. Aamiin...
Royalty-free Image: Man planting Euro coins in soil

Images: Digital Vision via Getty Images


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